Essay On Islam In America

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The third largest religion in America, yet one of the most feared. We have mostly, only, talked about Muslim countries during the course of this class. But since Islam is practiced in several countries, and Muslims exist in more than Muslims countries, I applied Islam to America. I wanted to discuss the conflict that arabic people face while in the United States. Since September 11, 2001, there has been a heightened fear of, not only Muslims, but Middle Eastern people, in general, especially those whose faith requires headwear. I think the lack of knowledge of Islam, and other religions, plays a big part in the fear exhibited in Americans. I believe it’s extremely unfair that Muslims in America have to pay the price of what extremists have done.

9/11 and other terrors:
On September 11, 2001, 19 members of Al-Qaeda, an Islamic extremist group, hijacked four airplanes and committed terrorist attacks against the United States. Two planes crashed into the twin towers of the world …show more content…

By fearing Islam, Americans feared anyone who practiced Islam, mostly Muslims. Americans, before 9/11 had little to no opinion about Muslims in America. 9/11 increased awareness of Islam, but did not increase knowledge of Islam. Most Americans are receiving their knowledge, of Islam, from the media, who uses fear to gain more views. The media subtly, but consistently, enforce stereotypes against Muslims. Examples could be of people wearing turbans and talking about terrorism. The subtly relates Islam to terrorism. Some news stations, more deliberately, only associate Muslim, or Islam, with keywords like terror, terrorism or terrorist. This coverage of Muslims, incorrectly, makes viewers believe that terror is more prevalent than it actually is. Because of the persistent, unfavorable stories of Muslims, many Americans, lacking education of Islam or knowing Muslims, are now prejudice against Muslim, and

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