Essay On International Adoption

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The process to adopt a child is a wait of two to seven years, leaving most of the young children time to grow older. The usual demand for an older kid is not as high as it is for a younger child; therefore, the wait to adopt an older kid should be lessened to an easier and faster process, as well as the process to adopt a young child. This would give the children a chance at being adopted earlier, instead of them growing up and being set aside when a younger child arrives. I also think when adopting an older kid, the adoptive parents should not have to go through the same long wait time they would if they were to adopt a toddler or an infant.
Adoption is where an infant, child, or teenager is moved out of a temporary family and moved into a …show more content…

An international adoption is similar to a regular child adoption in the United Stated, except the child is being adopted from another country. The steps to adopt internationally can be complex and the rules can change quickly at any time. The requirements are specific, but are nothing too extreme. There are two different ways to adopt internationally, a Hague adoption and a non-Hague adoption, but the Hague adoption is most common. For a Hague adoption, you must be a U.S citizen residing in the U.S. If you are not married, you are required to be at least 24 years old when filing your “Application for Determination of Suitability to Adopt a Child from a Convention Country”, also known as Form I-800A and 25 years old when filing your Form I-800, “Petition to Classify Convention Adoptee as an Immediate Relative”. If you are married, your spouse will have to sign your Form I-800A with the intentions of adopting the child you are adopting, but depending on the country you are adopting from, the marriage requirements can differ. With any country you are adopting from, the first step in the process is to file an application with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The application must consist of a USCIS form, a home study, an application fee, and other supporting documents (Bureau of Consular Affairs, 2017). If you have not filed a USCIS form, your adoption …show more content…

Assuming you have already submitted your USCIS applications, you will have to wait to be approved by them before you and your adoption agency can propose an adoption placement. You will also have to wait for your Form I-800 and Form I-800A to be approved by USCIS, but once that is done, you will need to gain custody of the child to be able to adopt them into the U.S along with their visa. You will then need to bring the adoptee to the U.S for an admission with their visa. This process sounds easier than adopting within your own country and it even take less time depending on the child’s age, gender, and country they are coming from. According to American Adoptions, adopting a child from Russia can take less than 12 months whereas adopting from China can take up to four years or

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