Social Media: Connective Fabric of Modern Society

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Social media lets you keep in touch with anyone and everyone – of course, only if they are on a site as well. But these people could be from school, university, college, friends you have met traveling or even people you have not even met. As social media is broadcast over the world, the connections and relationships that are built between cultures, religions and countries is at its greatest peak, and the spread of news, gossip, rumour and facts, whether good or bad, are shared across society. Civilisations as a whole can celebrate, pursue, grieve, and are brought together by the means of social media. Social media can be considered as an extension to society – it connects people all over the world, creates experiences, allows people to extend their Social media can be used as mini lenses into someone’s personality, behaviour and attitude. It is reported that 90% of employers will google potential members of staff before an interview to see whether they are on social media sites, and how they portray themselves. This could be seen as a positive effect as it enables employers to employ staff based on who they really are, or it could be viewed as a disadvantage with potential employers forming opinions of employees before they have even met them. At the end of the day, social media has both a negative and a positive effect on society. It is influential and plays a part in most people’s lives. Whether individuals see social media as positive or negative is down to the individual; some would say though that if the effect on society was mainly negative, why would so many people use social media and why would its popularity and use be growing? Social media has played a big role in society; it helps people stay in touch, it aids and raises awareness, it keeps people talking and what would society be if people did not communicate? No matter by what means a communicative society is a successful and improved

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