Essay On Impact Of Culture On Culture

952 Words2 Pages

The effects of culture and society on the behaviour of individuals
Culture is all socially transmitted behaviour, languages, beliefs, norms and traditions. It gives people their way of seeing the world and interpreting life. Culture refers to the different subgroups amongst society, ethnic background, residence, religion, or other factors unify the group, this however creates cultural barriers. Culture diversity makes communication difficult, as the mind-sets of people of different cultures are so divergent. Countries that command cultural influence are often synonymous with food, fashion, tradition and social norms, but there are measures being taken to prevent cultural communication barriers such as the development of multi-cultural and multi-ethnic …show more content…

Effects on culture and society on the behaviour of an individual, relates to people from different social economic groups will share different aspects of culture for example, having a different understanding of the concept of money, and how treating elders with respect. A different culture, comes with a different conduct, customs and rules, the extent to which morals from individual’s perspectives who believe in a different culture can cause controversy with another who believes that what they are doing should be socially accepted. Culture can shape our behaviour as individuals are raised to believe that there is certain way to live your life and have different views on what is right and wrong, which can restrict children from making friends outside of their social circle built upon their culture, stopping children from developing an understanding of others cultures. A multi-cultural school could encourage cultural diversity which is, is the quality of diverse or different cultures, also refer to having different cultures respect each other's differences. As every culture is seen as equal, therefore able to have access to the same standard of

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