Essay On Hotel Rwanda

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My movie report is about the Hotel Rwanda and the civil war and poverty between the Hutu people and Tutsi people. Cheadle, who owns the hotel must keep many of the Tutsi people safe. This includes his family and his wife Tatiana. He has many struggles of keeping his family and people in the hotel safe. As time went on food resources and money for bribes to keep them safe ran out. This lead to many of the refugees being left unsafe, and hungry. Hotel Rwanda shows how a war can affect so much of people everyday lives. It’s not just between government and rebels but it also includes the citizens. In the Hotel Rwanda, the civil war between the Hutu and Tutsi people ended up cutting over food supply. This even happened for a business man like …show more content…

They killed almost one million people within a three-month span (Uvin, Peter. 2009). This number is crazy. The Hutu took every chance possible to kill off the Tutu. This is all because of religion and beliefs. Thus, was the main reason for the civil war. The Hutu believed that their belief was right and the Tutsi’s was not (Fujii, Lee Ann. 2008). The government was part of the Hutu religion and was a lot stronger then the Tutsi people. This leads the Natural Law Theory. The strong gets want they want and weak don’t. Therefore, the Hutu took advantage of Tutsi population. They blocked off food and resources and made it hard for poverty areas of Rwanda to survive (Fujii, Lee Ann. 2008). The government controlled everything and left many of the rebels out to dry and defend for themselves. This is morally wrong and should not be accepted. The only safe places were with the UN, and the Red Cross but as the months went on they soon left as well. The tragedy of this event and 3 months must be one of the most terrible events in history. It was ignored by the rest of the world as they acted like the Rwanda population were not worth

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