Essay On Horse Barefoot

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“God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good” Genesis 1:25. When God created the earth he uniquely formed each animal with different characteristics, yet each special in their own way. Not one animal possess the same construction like another. Referring to the majestic species of horses, many owners find a multitude of issues they face within the care of horses. Specifically, the ongoing debate of placing shoes on a horse verses leaving them barefoot. Frankly, the decision comes down to the expense of the shoes, the discipline in which the horse engages, and consideration of the advantages and disadvantages to both sides of the argument. Indeed between managing a family and horses, everything comes down to expense. Normal Americans, who own horses, live with limited budgets, and need to prioritize how much money they put into the feet of their horse. Every horse, no matter where they live, needs their hooves trimmed every six to eight weeks. If a horse requires an expensive hoof trimming, …show more content…

Both sides possess positive and negative benefits for different horses. Shoes help with traction and can improve the movement of the horse. Conversely, leaving a horse barefoot causes potential damage and erosion of the outside hoof wall when exposed to harsh terrain. Leaving a horse’s hooves barefoot usually produces healthy hoof growth and less strain on the bank account. In contrast, shoes often fall off, cause pain for some horses, and create snow balls on the bottom of the hooves during the winter snowy months. Whatever the case when considering shoes, the owner needs to weigh the advantages and disadvantages to both sides of the

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