Essay On Hope By Maya Angelou

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Hope is believed in positive outcome related to events or conditions in someones life. Hope can encourage someone into wishful thinking. Hope can bring joy, love, peace and strength into someones life. it give us just enough light to find the light at the end of the tunnel. why do so many people buy a lottery ticket when they know deep down that they aren't going to win this is because that maybe for a little while it makes us feel happy, the thought and hope of winning puts a smile on our faces…..everyone hopes for different things and at different times. thats the beauty of hope.

people will talk behind your back. people will do anything to spread rumors. but you will still walk with your head held high like nothing is wrong not listening to what people have to say or what they do. but when people don't understand why you are not upset and continue to put you down all you can do is just laugh it off knowing it's not true. no matter what has happened in the past or what you might of done before you are able to look at them and tell them “still i rise”. for Maya angelou “still i ri...

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