Essay On Health And Stress

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Have you ever felt overwhelmed? Continuous worrying about a certain situation you are facing? Well, these are a few signs of stress. Stress is the physiological and psychological response that either threatens or challenges a person’s situation to adapt or adjust to it. There is a great amount of evidence shown that a prolonged amount of stress can cause health issues. The way the body functions when stressed is what causes health problems to arise. Stress works differently among people and many models, research and articles gives us a closer look into the health and stress perception.
Researchers and practitioners turn to a model that concentrations on “health as well as illness and holds that both are determined by a combinations of biological, psychological, and social factors” (Wood, Boyd, 2008, pg.324), known as the Biopsychosocial model. Biological factors that promote health include a healthy lifestyle, exercise, diet and relaxation, while factors that initiate illness is lack of exercise and poor diet. The Psychological factors for health is stress management, positive thoughts and self-regulations, on the other hand factors that cause illness is depression, negative thoughts, worrying and anxiety. Social factors also play a role in health such as participating in social groups while loneliness and poverty can cause illness. A health psychologist participates with people to assist them in “health, illness and recovery”(Wood, Boyd, 2008, pg.324) to reduce future health encounters.
The sympathetic nervous system activates when someone is going through stress. Our body starts to prepare itself either to resist or escape a situation known as the flight-or-fight response. For example, if it is late at night and you are walki...

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... “prolonged cognitive representations of stressors” (Segerstrom, O’Connor, 2012, p.131). Coping with stress decreases the chance of a health issues arising.
Research shows that conscientiousness has the ability to moderate stress related changes in “health behaviors such that individuals low in conscientiousness respond more negatively to stressful encounters compared to high conscientious individuals.” (Segerstrom, O’Connor, 2012, p. 131). Everyone is unique in there own way and the way stress is handled is different with everyone. Multilevel methods in stress research have taken place for many years now and shows that “fluctuations in a persons stressful daily hassles are important in understanding stress-outcome processes” (Segerstrom, O’Connor, 2012, p. 134). Stressful events impact somatic health consequences mainly because people continue to worry about them.

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