Essay On Hawaii Forest

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TC Ching Essay: The Decline of Hawaiian Forests A serious problem that affects Hawaii today is the decline of natural forests due to the importing of invasive species and widespread deforestation. Majority of Hawaii’s natural forest have depleted and what is left is either being used for housing and farming, or preserved by the state. Little has been done to combat this besides the 1% of State funding that’s being used to run preservation systems. If the problem were to go unsolved for fifty more years there wouldn’t be anymore “paradise” left. The forests are a major tourist destination which brings in a large amount of money for the Hawaiian economy. The decline in forestry result in the decline of tourism creates social and economic instability. Another problem that would arise is the extinction of hundreds of native species found in Hawaii. So far over fifty percent of native species have gone extinct due to the introduction of invasive foreign species such as pigs, rats, invasive birds, mosquitoes, animal borne diseases, small insects, and many more. This has already caused a large scale disruption in the Hawaiian ecosystem, effecting the trees and native plants. If it were to continue Hawaii would have no foods to export, a major decline in tourism, and an environmental …show more content…

I propose that that the State of Hawaii includes other conservation organizations, rather than just the 10 we have now. The State should also have stricter laws as to who is able to access preservation cites and when. Many invasive species are brought in by foot and by shipment. Transportation vessels must be check thoroughly if they were brought in by ships. If that will take too long than we should create new containment vessels that are able to deflect and eliminate invasive insects from getting inside. Those are just a few small solutions for a big

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