Essay On Gun Control Laws

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Given the question “Should gun control laws be tightened in the USA?”, my opinion of that would be no. No, I believe gun control is not the issue. As it is stated in the text, “ How Not to Respond to the Rising Murder Rate”, Most crimes that are associated with guns, happen with weapons that have been purchased or stolen illegally. In addition, gun control would take away a portion of America's freedom. Finally, with gun control laws, hunters will not be able to hunt. Lots of people tend to argue that guns should be confiscated, they say firearms cause more deaths and violence than any other weapon. Although, they are used in the act of violence, taking them away will not stop the killings and injuries entirely. Nowadays, rotten people, like criminals, buy and steal weapons illegally. They do this so that they do not have to go through background checks while purchasing the weapon in a shop. Even if gun control is put into action, the violence will still be active because of the criminals illegally owning their weapons. Also, if guns are banned, people will not have protection from the criminals using their illegal weapons. In the text it is stated that rape crime has increased in numbers, women and weaker individuals would have no …show more content…

This amendment was adopted on December 9, 1791. If gun control is taken into action, it would infinitely change the United State’s history. Also, America is known as “The land of the free”, we have our freedom of speech and freedom to own what we want and need. Banning guns would be a step towards Socialism, which is the belief of the community owning, and controlling things as a whole instead of personally owning something. Gun control would be taking away our Second Amendment, one of the very first amendments in our history of the United States. If that is banned from us, is our generation really as free as our previous

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