Essay On Genocide In South Africa

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Throughout Northern and Central Africa ethnic fighting and mass genocide has run rampant. Clashes between, diverse ethnic and cultural people has caused instability, these mass humanitarian disasters that can no longer be ignored. With the help of other nations South Sudan can go from another mass genocide waiting to happen, to a region supplier of much needed resources, with the help of other nations. In the 1990’s Rwanda genocide was basically ignored by the United States government and because of this hundreds of thousands were either killed or injured in the area. In the early 2000’s the war in Darfur, created a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Darfur's non-Arabs. Again thousands of Africans were killed and the United States government and the American people ignored genocide.
In 2010, Dennis Blair, then United States Director of National Intelligence, issued a warning: that "over the next five years,...a new mass killing or genocide is most likely to occur in southern Sudan." The Nuer White Army released a statement stating its intention to "wipe out the entire Murle tribe on the face of the earth as the only solution to guarantee long-term security of Nuer’s cattle"and activists, including Minority Rights Group International, warn of genocide in the current Jonglei conflict. (Sudan Tribune, 2010)
I believe with the threat of mass genocide, the United States, European Union (EU), and other African nations need to come together to stop ethnic and cultural tensions in the Horn of Africa and more specific South Sudan. These countries must look beyond specific interests and help the country of South Sudan with actual nation building.
Humanitarian aid is not enough, can the U.S. look beyond sp...

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... may eventually turn into another terrorist safe haven. Due to the United States recent history, we are the perfect big brother to step in and help this new country survive. I understand the American people are tired of being portrayed as the so called “World Police Force”. Every time there is a problem in the world we have to respond. But If the U.S. does nothing, can we really sit by, and allow the country to self implode. The American people must care about mass genocide and convince the government to intervene. A clear reason why U.S. assets should be sent to a country like South Sudan is the decimation of diversity and the chance to make humanity better. The South Sudanese people need to understand how important each individual citizen is and treat everyone equally. If this happens then maybe both of our countries can work together and allow prosperity.

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