Essay On Gender Equality

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Since the nineteen hundredths women in America have been fighting for equality within the workplace. Popular belief would make you believe that today woman are equal to men in every aspect in the workplace. Although, this concept should be true in a lot of the cases it is not. This project assignment will reveal how even today woman are still fighting for equality and how gender roles still play an important part within the workplace.
In 1963 president John F. Kennedy signed the equal pay act that mandated man and woman to be paid equally for equal work. That was 50 years ago and if we look at the recent data not a lot of progress has been made since Kennedy signed the act many years ago. The US Census Bureau states that male and female pay differ from one another from 15% to 50% depending on the work sector. According to the AAUW IN 2013 among full time year round workers, woman were paid 78% percent of what men were paid. The gender gap pays affect all woman but it is even more drastic when we compare woman of color. Asian American woman seem to …show more content…

Today woman are not held back by the mere notion that they are woman so they should do this because society norms say so. Women have been trying to get into male heavy jobs such as construction. Even though this are generally seen as male dominated jobs the high pay has lead woman out of the public sector and into these high paying manual labor jobs. Although, the cycle no longer continues the struggle for equality is a never ending, in which woman are continually fighting for. In recent years there has been a raise in woman’s unionizations that has helped them create a voice within the general public. Increase in unionizations has led to a decrease in wage gap for many local and major cities in the United States. Employees who are represented by a union have the necessary voice to establish higher equality policies within the

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