Essay On Fun Gardening Activities

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5 SUPER FUN GARDENING ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN Gardening is fun, rewarding and it creates a sense of accomplishment in the children. The children will feel accomplished when the plants grow to maturity under their care. Furthermore, being involved in gardening activities enables the children to learn about nature, recycling and also it instills a sense of responsibility in them. So instead of just swimming and lazing around in summer and spring, encourage your little ones to take up gardening and see their hard work payoff. This article will highlight five super fun gardening activities for the children. Have potato farm You can encourage the children to plant potatoes in their small garden or even in containers. A good salad or a meal is not …show more content…

All you need to get started is a sunny spot, seeds, pots, and soil. In order to enrich the soil, you can use organic materials like compost, shredded leaves, and even animal manure. You can grow greens such as lettuce, kale, mustard and even spinach, which are great for salad. Growing greens not only provides fresh nutritious vegetables but also can be educative venture as the children learn more about the different types of vegetables and their nutritional value. The upside of these is finally your children will get to eat vegetables well without a fight, as they had grown …show more content…

You can capitalize in this by helping them build a maze using sunflower plant. Sunflower is beautiful and is tall enough for this fun activity, but you can also use corn plant or wildflower. Sunflowers have cheerful blooms and they come in different sizes. They also come in a varied range of colors like white, yellow, orange and even red. You can engage your children in designing the maze, selecting the maze location and in planting the sunflower. The plant needs plenty of sunlight to thrive, so make sure you select a sunny spot. Sunflower seeds are a birds’ favorite and its kernels are used to make oil. Create a worm farm Most children love to play with worms and getting their hands dirty; therefore, they will be thrilled to have their own worm farm. Worms create tunnels through the earth and this helps the plants to get access to water and nutrients. Furthermore, these slimy creatures convert wastes into compost, hence enriching the soil. Therefore, having them around is not a bad idea at all. Having a worm farm will create an avenue for the children to learn more about them and also can help convert your kitchen waste into compost manure for your vegetable garden. These are just but few gardening activities for the children. Ignite that idea in them, let them learn to grow their own food and have fun while on

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