Essay On First Person Shooters

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Contrary to popular belief simply playing first person shooter video games does not have a direct effect on the audience, but other factors like the duration and environment greatly determine the effect. There are many studies which focuses on the positive or negative effects of first person shooters, but do not look into deeper causes or factors. An example would be a study which conducts an experiment on how playing first person shooters increase aggressive mental states by forcing participants to play extensive hours rigorously and analyzing their mental states after. This experiment is skewed due to the fact that it only tested long hours of play and related the result to playing first person shooters in general. Under certain conditions, studies have shown that first person shooters have negative effects. However, there is a generalized misunderstanding as the studies have not accurately shown the cause. I became interested in this research topic due to my own experience of periodic play. I read various articles which contradicted one another. Some would claim that these games would cause children to become incredibly aggressive and should not be a part of a healthy life style. While other article claim positive effects such as enhancement of motor skills or an improvement in spatial skills. I was interested because these articles tended to state completely different things. We are currently in an era of technology and many are concerned about the effects of what these graphically advanced games can do. The problem is many people are misinformed due to selective studies. We will be exploring what are the true causes to these positive and negative effects and what causes this skewed perception of first person shooters. Chr... ... middle of paper ... ...ere male. I was never even close to an equal amount or balance. There was also never a placebo group. The sources would just state that the experiment is lightly limited. Also the groups who were focused on negative aspects of gaming only focused on excessive gaming, while sources who focused on the positive aspects only focused on moderate gaming. My conclusion is that there is not enough data to make statements such as first person shooter gaming as the main cause of anything without specific detail and clarfication. Through my study I have conclude that long unhealthy durations cause an increase in aggression and violence short term also rigorous short playtimes in controlled environments can lead to short term skill improvements such as motor skills and spatial reasoning. Everything else is to be determined by future studies and are currently not accessible.

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