Essay On Fibrous Dysplasia

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Fibrous dysplasia is a genetic disorder and there's no cure. Treatment, which may include surgery, focuses on relieving signs and symptoms.Fibrous dysplasia may cause few or no signs and symptoms, particularly if the condition is mild. More severe fibrous dysplasia may cause: Bone pain, Bone deformities, Fractures, and Nerve entrapment. Severe fibrous dysplasia can cause: Bone deformity or fracture. The weakened area of an affected bone can cause the bone to bend. These weakened bones also are more likely to fracture.Vision and hearing loss. The nerves to your eyes and ears may be surrounded by affected bone. Severe deformity of facial bones can lead to loss of vision and hearing, but it's a rare complication.Arthritis. If leg and pelvic bones are deformed, arthritis may form in the joints of those bones.Cancer. Rarely, an affected area of bone can become cancerous. This rare complication usually only affects people who have had prior radiation therapy. …show more content…

This can relieve pain and help reduce the risk of fractures.Your doctor may recommend surgery in order to: Correct a deformity, Correct a difference in limb lengths, Fix a fracture remove an affected area of bone that's causing you difficulty Relieve pressure on a nerve, particularly if the lesion is in your skull or face. Surgery may involve removing the bone lesion and replacing it with bone grafted from another part of your body or from bone tissue donated from deceased donor. Your surgeon may insert metal plates, rods or screws to stabilize the bone and the graft. Risks include infection, blood clots and bleeding. In addition, a bone graft may not

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