Essay On Extraversion

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The big five theory of personality traits includes extraversion trait which is believed to be part of human personality. According to Zaidi et al. (2013), extraversion is indicated by positive emotions and the tendency to seek the company of other individuals. Furthermore, it represents the tendency to be assertive, sociable, upbeat, active, optimistic, and cheerful. These individuals like being involved in groups, like people, enjoy stimulation and excitement and normally experience positive effects such as zeal, excitement, and energy. Zaidi et al., continue to argue that extraverts will most likely dialog often and affirm themselves when interacting with others in a group. Individuals high on extraversion are more likely to seek out opportunities …show more content…

According to Lukaszewski and Roney (2010), although much is known about the psychophysiological and behavioral correlates of this trait, much less is understood about the origins of individual differences along this dimension. In their research, Lukaszewski and Roney suggest that physical attractiveness or both men and women, as well as physical strength especially in men, exhibited independent positive links with extraversion. Cherry (2015), assert that extroversion has been linked to genetics and studies in genetics show that genetics contribute a significant percentage of the variance between introversion and extraversion. Extraversion has also been associated with the environment in that an environment can have an influence in causing this trait. According to Cherry, studies on siblings show that individual experiences have a significant influence than shared experiences in families. Thirdly, some research shows that the variability in extraversion might be connected to the variations in cortical arousal. This suggests that people high in extraversion are more likely to require external stimulation while those low in the trait are more likely to become stimulated with

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