Essay On Equal Pay Day

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On June 10, 1963 President John F. Kennedy signed the historic Equal Pay Act of 1963 into federal law. The act was one of the first federal antidiscrimination laws to address specifically the gender wage gap, it became illegal to pay men and women a different salary if they are at the same place doing similar work. After the Equal Pay Act, it took forty four years for the gap to close from fifty nine cents to eighteen cents. Although the act was signed over fifty years ago, the gender wage gap remains a prominent issue throughout America. On average women’s pay is seventy seven cents of a man’s one dollar, with an even wider gap for women of color. African American women earn sixty four cents to a white man’s one dollar, while Latina and Hispanic women only earn fifty four cents. While the gap is not as bad as it once was, at the rate it is going now, less than half a penny a year, the will gap not close for another 124 years. Equal Pay Day is a national movement working towards closing this wage gap between men and women. …show more content…

Equal Pay Day symbolizes how far into the year women have to work to earn what men earned in the previous year. The last Equal Pay Day was April 14, 2015, and the next one is going to be April 12, 2016. While equal pay day was set up by the National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE) in 1996, many other organizations that work to help women take part in Equal Pay day. Along with the NCPE organizations like the American Association of University Women (AAUW), the Institute for Women Policy Research (IWPR), the National Organization for Women (NOW), and many more all work towards equal pay for women. These organizations have been working together to raise awareness, and diminish the gender wage gap through Equal Pay

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