Essay On Claustrophobia

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Claustrophobia is related to the dysfunction of part of the brain that controls our process of fear. Claustrophobia is considered being the irrational fear of small spaces. It is also spaces or rooms that do not have a clear and easy escape. It is known as an anxiety disorder but may as well be its own disorder because people can experience claustrophobia without an anxiety problem. Claustrophobia does not always have a clear cause. Traumatic experiences can be a reason for some people’s claustrophobia. Childhood experiences can be another reason for someone having claustrophobia as well as environmental factors. Adults could get claustrophobia in their adolescence if they had been bullied and abused, had parent with claustrophobia, or were …show more content…

The various symptoms could be sweating, hot flashes, trembling, anxiousness, hyperventilation, and nausea. The other symptoms are intense fear or panic, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, chest tightness or pain, the feeling of confusion or disorientation, and feeling faint or lightheaded. Severe claustrophobia symptoms are fear of dying, fear of losing control, fear of fainting, and feelings of dread. These symptoms could be mild, or they could be severe depending on the person. People with claustrophobia are known to avoid situations that trigger the phobia such as riding subways, airplanes, being in elevators, or being in cars while there’s traffic. They automatically look for exists in any place they enter and stand near or right beside the exits in a crowded space. They also feel scared when doors are closed while in a room. Triggers of claustrophobia can include being in a small room lacking windows, riding in a small car or airplane, being packed into an elevator, undergoing a CT or MRI scan, being in a closet, or standing in a large but crowded room. Places that can also trigger the phobia are car washes, revolving doors, public restrooms, dressing rooms, tunnels, crawl spaces, or tunnels. A person can be diagnosed if their symptoms become tenacious. It is important for an individual to see a doctor as soon as possible before it becomes overwhelming. Early diagnoses help a person manage the symptoms they

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