Essay On Classroom Routines And Procedures

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IV. Classroom Routines and Procedures

1. Students coming in late or having to leave early: including bathroom use, nurses office … Students who are tardy will need a note from the office to enter class. Students will need a note from parents to take to office in the morning to be excused from class early. Students may use the restroom one at a time. Asking to go by raising a hand and giving the restroom sign then taking a pass and returning the pass when finished at the restroom. Students that go to the nurse will need to ask permission and take a nurse pass to his/her office and return with the pass when finished at the nurse. Moorish’s real discipline practices states, “rules are should be enforced consistently.” The rules for coming in late, leaving early, bathroom use, and nurse’s office use will be a part of the student’s daily routine. The will be expected to follow the proper procedures.

2. Volunteers in the classroom Volunteers in my classroom will be given a short expectation guideline at the beginning of the year. This guideline will be used throughout the year for new volunteers. The guidelines will include student conduct, my expectations of a volunteer, and praise for them volunteering and following the expectations. As situations arise when volunteers are needed additional expectations or changes in …show more content…

As a teacher I need to be held accountable for preparing my students to learn the curriculum that is aligned with the standards. Assessment is an ongoing process. I will have a note pad in my pocket to constantly check for understanding. Then I will record that information on a daily basis. I will give formal and informal evaluations after completion of every assignment throughout the year. Emotions are the gatekeepers to students learning a phase taught in class. This is how a teacher will get a student to perform well on any

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