Essay On Channel Catfish

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According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature the Channel Catfish is neither endangered nor at risk of being endangered. The Channel Catfish is raised at fish farms and is a very popular fish in regards to food. The Channel Catfish is the third most desired fish to catch in Texas behind the bass and crappie. The Channel Catfish is the most common catfish in North America. Studies taking place in Iowa have shown that the weight of catfish per mile of streams is anywhere between five hundred and five thousand pounds.
The Channel Catfishes mating habits are similar to most catfish. The male channel catfish only has a single mate during the mating season. A Channel Catfish usually finds its mate before mating season starts. The usual mating season for a Channel Catfish is between May and July. Depending on when the water is around seventy-five degrees. The process of mating starts off when the male Channel Catfish swims next to the female but is facing the opposite direction. The male and female place their tails around the others head. Once they are all wrapped up...

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