Essay On Belle Sacrifice

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While some people in the town of La Porte thought that Belle died in the fire, many others disagreed. There were numerous sightings of Belle in town the three days following the fire. People claimed that she was wearing two veils, one of them black, in order to hide her identity. She was also seen with an unknown man. This was reported because in the small town of La Porte, everyone knew everyone and noticed very easily when visitors occupied their town. Belle was also reportedly seen at the home of her friend, Elizabeth Smith (Rosewood & Lo, 53). This woman practiced voodoo and had been one of Belle’s closest friends in town. Elizabeth withheld information about the case but told Lamphere’s lawyer that she would tell him everything on her death bed. Unfortunately, he was on vacation when she died so whatever details Elizabeth knew were never revealed. Suspiciously, police found the skull of an unknown woman in Elizabeth’s home after her passing (Rosewood & Lo, 53). Another source stated that after Belle’s friend Almetta Hay died, “a woman’s skull was found wedged between two mattresses” (Kelleher & Kelleher, 26-27). It is unclear if this is the same account but with confused names or if two different skulls were found. Either way, authorities failed to investigate the skulls. Many people …show more content…

She began her crimes only a few years after immigrating to the United States from Norway. She exemplifies the typical female serial killer since poison was her method of operation. However, she differs in the fact that she was a large, strong woman who enjoyed dismembering the bodies in her own basement. Belle is known as “one of the most prolific and successful American female serial killers in the annals of criminology” due to her ability to not get caught (Kelleher & Kelleher, 22-23). While there are many possibilities of what happened to Belle Sorenson Gunness, society may never actually know the

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