Essay On Assyrian Civilization

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The Assyrian civilization located in the Middle East. It rose due to their intimidating army. They had chariots, mounted weapons, and siege weapons used to break down gates and walls to take over kingdoms. They were famous for being sly and quick in battle. They would overturn a village without anyone knowing the Assyrians were on the verge of taking over. They had cruel and gruesome ways to instill fear in villagers of the newly conquered area. They would cut off appendages, ears, nose, or their head. This left everyone petrified of the Assyrians. They would split up the population they took over by spreading them to different parts of the empire to prevent uprising. Due to the population growing, governors were assigned to rule over province. …show more content…

They became the prime Mediterranean merchant traders. They were shipbuilders, navigators, and colonizers. Cadiz and Carthage were established trading ports that they utilized. They were incredible craftsmen and built furniture, jewelry, metal and glassware. Their most famous export was purple colored woolen cloth. The purple color was extracted from shellfish from the coast. Purple symbolized royalty, which is why kings and queens were dressed in it. The Phoenicians mathematicians developed navigational techniques to sail without land in sight. They started their own 22 letter language to keep records of trade. They had a great economy and many intelligent individuals. The only downfall to the Phoenician government is their autonomous independence. They could have been a spectacular empire, but they never joined forces to become one. The Phoenicians are very historically significant. They created the alphabet and many empires based their lettering system of theirs. Each letter stood for a sound and their were vocals involved. The Chinese and Babylonians had symbols representing actions or objects with pictures or lines. It was a completely different way to record things, but it was much more simple to do. It was passed to the Greeks, Romans, and our alphabet even comes from

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