Compare And Contrast Egyptian Empire And Mycenaean Empire

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The Cosmopolitan Middle East, 1700-1100 B.C.E.:
The Cosmopolitan Middle East consists of both Mesopotamia and Egypt, but when Mesopotamia was split into two zones, Babylonia conquered the south, while Assyria conquered the north. The Hittites, one of the states that came to Mesopotamia, they made good use of the copper, silver, and iron, to increase commerce with other states. The Hyksos, a strong foreign group who had lot of strength and intelligence, took over the kingdom of Egypt and changed Egypt into an aggressive state. But it was also a time of change with many rulers who held the throne of New Kingdom Egypt, such as Hatshepsut, Akhenaten, and Ramesses II. Traveling and communication were necessities in international trading because metal was needed amongst different cities.
The Aegean World, 2000-1100 B.C.E.:
Although the Aegean World did not have the best land, with metals and timber from abroad, the Minoan and Mycenaean societies were able to be successful during that time. The Minoan civilization, which has an ethnicity that is a mystery, accomplished many things while living on the island of Crete. Mycenaean Greece was very successful …show more content…

The king of Assyria was so crucial and important to the Assyrian Empire, because he did everything to keep the Assyrian Empire in order. After King Tiglathpileser changed the military full of slaves and peasants into a military with strong and trained men, and supplied them with iron weapons, the Assyrian soldiers were undefeatable against their opponents. But the Assyrians were harsh when it came to preventing rebellions from the people, because they used cruel tactics like skinning prisoners alive. Assyrian society soon divided the people into three classes, which identified who they were, and they were free, landowning citizens, farmers and artisans, and

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