Essay On American Red Cross

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“Together we can save a life.”

The American Red Cross was founded in May 21, 1881 by a woman named Clara Barton. It’s primary goal is to serve and help people who have been direct victims of a natural disaster, and normal disasters.The types of people, and issues that they tend to help are disaster relief, supporting military families, lifesaving blood, health and safety services, and international services. The American Red cross does all sorts of things to help issues that are here at home, and around the globe. They directly help people that were the victims of natural disasters, and disasters by providing people with the correct boost that they might need to come back up from some disaster that has hit them. Without this major organization, and the people that provide the company with the correct financial aid and general support; plenty of people around the globe and even people here in America would be left completely in the dust to fend for themselves after a disaster has struck. There may be other organizations that address disasters, but American Red Cross is the number one disaster relief organization, that even has a worldwide reach. Smaller organizations wouldn’t have the resources or the money to be able to respond almost immediately to disasters, unlike American Red Cross which can respond almost immediately. …show more content…

With all of the things they have done in the past, and especially the present, they have helped an awful lot. For example, in Haiti (according to the American Red Cross) they built safe places for more than 132,000 people. Without the help of you, the people, those 132,000 people would be left for dead. They are working 24/7 to help and provide shelter, food, health, and mental health to people that are in

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