Essay On American Health Care

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American health care, a debate that has been ongoing for at least the last century. Health insurance is provided by private insurance companies through subscription-like plans and provided by government in the form of Medicaid and Medicare. Medicaid is for eligible low-income individuals and Medicare is for senior and disabled citizens. Many questions surface such as “is it a human right?” and “Should it be for free?” American health care is a social issue, and I believe everyone should have equal health care, no matter social nor financial status. This is an important issue to all of us country and person. Being in the best country in the world I’d think it wouldn’t even be a question but yet here we are still trying to figure out how to get …show more content…

In Patricia Kennedy’s “Points of View: Health Insurance” article, she states that “Some believe a universal health care plan would result in lower quality care”. I however, totally disagree with that and believe that it would be in the governments best interest to have the best doctors, medical equipment, hospitals and medicines to ensure lower returning patients. I also believe the saying, “you give them a nail, they want your finger, then your arm.” Meaning that the more the government provides handouts for the people capable of working, the more handouts they want and less work they do. So, to answer the question about wait times for doctors and such, I’d say get up, better yourself to a better career so you can afford a premium insurance. That’s a better incentive to get people to go to school in which helps the raise the level of intelligence of the American society which in turn helps the economy. A healthier society is a healthier economy. An American health care system in which every single citizen contributes to the pool, will make it affordable for all the people of every class. Every American should have health care and it shouldn’t come for free. The only people who would benefit financially would be the citizens. The more people that pay into the system(fund), the less

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