Essay On American Citizens In The 1950's

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Since the 1950’s, life has changed for American citizens in several ways. The parts of the country citizens live in has shifted, the workforce has drastically changed, and the amount of free time Americans have has changed in the last 60 years. In the 1950’s nearly half of the population, which was mostly whites at the time, lived in new suburbs, whereas people of color were living increasingly in the inner cities. In 1956, Eisenhower passed an interstate and defense highways act which helped facilitate the growth of suburbs. Inner cities were also beginning to seem more and more dangerous. This increased white flight, which is known as the movement of white people from cities to suburbs due to the increase of minorities in the inner cities (911). Today and in …show more content…

During the major migration to the sunbelt, the West grew the fastest out of any region in the United States because of the affordable land, warm climate, and low taxes (1062). One thing that has changed drastically since the 1950’s is the people who work, and the types of jobs they hold today compared to the past. In the 1950’s, the traditional family, in which the man worked and the woman was a homemaker, was still widely practiced and celebrated by society. However, this was beginning to change as more women were attending college and working outside of the home (924). Schaller et al. writes that “By the end of 1959, 39% of women with children aged 6 to 17 held paying jobs” (924). As the gender ratio in the work force began to change, the types of jobs held by Americans was beginning to shift as well. “In 1957, white collar workers outnumbered blue collar workers for the first time in American history (927). As the shift from blue collar work to white collar work was occurring, men were expected to “move often and to conform without question to corporate rules of behavior” (927). Another growing field of work in the

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