Essay On Adult Still's Disease

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Adult Still's disease is a rare type of arthritis that features a sore throat, a salmon-colored rash and a high fever that spikes once or twice a day. Joint pain tends to develop a few weeks after these initial signs and symptoms.

The cause of adult Still's disease is unknown, but researchers are investigating the possibility that it might be triggered by some type of infection. Some people experience just one episode of adult Still's disease. In other people, the condition persists or recurs.

Adult Still's disease is an inflammatory type of arthritis, similar to rheumatoid arthritis. This inflammation can destroy affected joints, particularly the wrists. Treatment involves medications, such as prednisone, that help control inflammation. …show more content…

Other symptoms include sore throat and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. A few weeks after these initial symptoms, joints and muscles begin aching. These aches last at least two weeks. The most commonly affected joints are the knee and wrist. The ankles, shoulders, elbows and finger joints may also be involved.

Adult Still’s Disease Diagnosis

Diagnosis is based on review of symptoms and medical history, such as the appearance of the rash and recent fevers of unexplained origin. There is no single test that can diagnose adult Still’s disease. Instead, blood tests are performed to rule out other conditions with similar symptoms. Other tests, such as X-rays, may be done to check for damage caused by inflammation.

Adult Still’s Disease Treatment

Patients in the early acute stage of adult Still’s disease are given nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as naproxen or ibuprofen, and corticosteroids to reduce pain and inflammation. Immunosuppressive drugs, such as methotrexate and biologic response modifiers, may be needed in more severe cases or if the arthritis becomes

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