Essay For Social Work

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I want to pursue a career in social work because I want to help people who are suffering from mental illness and who are underserviced when it comes to getting help for mental illnesses. By working with a distressed person to become better, not only will I be able to enhance their life, but also the community will transform into a more positive place. I view transformation as a ripple effect, where changing the situation for one person eventually causes a change in the majority. This is especially true when it comes to mental illness and the stigma that surrounds it. I have been highly involved in mental health work on my college campus since my sophomore year. I am one of the founding members of our Active Minds chapter, and have held the …show more content…

I grew up in a household that fluctuated between middle and lower class, thanks to job cuts and health problems. Since my parents are not advantaged enough economically to help me pay for college, I have relied on scholarships, grants, and loans to help pay for my education on my own. Since my main area of interest is in mental health, and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln does not offer a social work degree, I decided to major in psychology. Psychology will help me with the mental aspects of a social work education, but neglects to teach me about disadvantaged individuals, social work ethics, and interactions in the field of social work, to name a few. My lack of experience in social work settings is another limitation. I have done a lot of volunteer work with animals, and some with mental health awareness, but none of it has been categorized as social work volunteerism. My plans for overcoming the financial barrier are to receive grants, stipends, and loans. I cannot afford to pay out of pocket, and until I establish myself in the career field, I will need to work hard and prove I deserve granted or loaned funds. My plans for overcoming the barriers of my psychological education and lack of social work setting experience are to immerse myself into social work from the very beginning of my MSW program. I thrive on learning, so I will add social work education on top of my psychology foundation without causing conflict. I will also perform my best and enhance my education through field work, which I am excited to

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