Essay Cormac Mccarthy Inhumane In The Road

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The Road In society humanity or the act of being humane is evident in some way. Humanity is behavior that reflects compassion, sympathy, and generosity. Society is a collection of people who generally work together for a common good and stable environment. Humanity needs to be present to create and strengthen people’s investment in their society. Inhumane acts that are sadistic and lack compassion become prevalent when society is fragile and braking apart. The Road by Cormac McCarthy demonstrates both humane and inhumane acts throughout the novel. The Road’s destruction of society with a war torn environment and the death of an uncountable number of people is obvious of a society lacking humanity. Despite that, humanity prevails through …show more content…

The lack of structure and society is a breeding ground for this. Almost all characters often show inhumanity. "They passed two hundred feet away, the ground shuddering lightly. Tramping. Behind them came wagons drawn by slaves in harness and piled with goods of war and after that the women, perhaps a dozen in number, some of them pregnant, and lastly a supplementary consort of catamites illclothed against the cold and fitted in dogcollars and yoked each to each. All passed on” (McCarthy 91). The act of enslaving a person and exploiting them for your benefit is inhumane. Treating people as if they are property or things to be controlled dehumanizes them and strips you of humanity. People have been used slaves throughout The Road; the lack of society only further contributes to the inhumane acts. The air raid in Aleppo was an obvious inhumane act that targeted hospitals and civilians. “Government bombs targeted neighborhoods with medical facilities, including the children's hospital and a nearby clinic that has one of the few remaining intensive care units in the east of the city, the Observatory said” ... “The World Health Organization said it recorded 126 attacks on health facilities in 2016, a common tactic over the five years of a war that is estimated to have killed more than 400,000 people” (Jazeera, 2016). A government targeting its own people and purposefully bombing them is a grossly inhuman act. Targeting places that care for people and places filled with children is barbarous and not seen within a society that has ethics and morality. The Syrian government has complete disregard for their own people by committing such immoral acts. Similarly, in The Road human life is often the subject of inhumanity. “He could see part of a stone wall. Clay floor. An old mattress darkly stained. He crouched and stepped down again and held out the light. Huddled against the back of the wall were naked people, male and

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