Essay Comparing Hayworth And The Shawshank Redemption

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Stephen King’s Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption masterfully presents its reader with eminent themes and lessons to be learned and seldom forgotten. Through the use of of vital scenes and characters throughout the novella, Stephen King brings out such themes and lessons, all the while telling a beautiful story that portrays the bond shared between two men during the times of imprisonment. Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption artfully leaves the reader pondering life, and teaches life lessons that are not to be forgotten: never disregard hope, hobbies are overall benign, and even beneficial especially when in prison, and to either get busy living, or get busy dying. Through all of the hardships within the story, the main protagonist, …show more content…

The confinements of the prison become the norm for all of the prisoners. For example Red states, “Get busy living or get busy dying” (77). This quote directly refers to the optimism of Andy within the prison, and even in times of disaster and distraught, he remains positive and eager to return to his life outside of the gray walls of confinement. He lives by this quote throughout the entirety of the novella, until his eventual escape to Mexico when the story concludes itself. This quote refers to the ever changing world outside the prison walls. Every action and thought of escape clouds Red and Andy’s judgment of the outside world. These rash and hurried decisions in turn do not give them time to think of the changes that occur in the outside world. Both of them rush too quickly in escaping which deals a huge blow to their expectations and completely overwhelms them in the process. Another meaning that this quote signifies is the fast paced world that society lives in. Also, the aspects of time come into play. While in the prison, the inmates are not accustomed to the changes in time. They are only used to the confines of the prison itself. Through this, Red and Andy realize that time waits for no one. Most importantly, it is vital that every precious moment in life must be taken in all seriousness. Through these experiences in the prison both inmates find a revelation within themselves and their time spent in the

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