Essay About Self Confidence

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Although self-confidence may not seem to be a vital part of a person’s composition, it helps shape the individual’s personality and how each person view themselves, which will be a part of them for their entire life. Self-confidence is said to be a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgement (Confidence). When you meet someone for the first time, you can typically tell if they have self-confidence. Why do some people seem to have it when others do not? There are many factors that come to play when determining one’s self-confidence starting with where it comes from, to why people have self-confidence, as well as the positives and negative of having self-confidence. Self-confidence is a continuous process and everyone can come to have a higher value for themselves as time goes on. Many times, when a person succeeds in a certain aspect, they will begin to value themselves more highly. This can be seen in things as simple as high …show more content…

Many times, people who have healthy self-confidence will have a happier life and be more satisfied with themselves and the world around them. By having self-confidence, one will live their life feeling like as they are a meaningful person and have a purpose. With self-confidence, it is easier to excel at the social aspect of life, whether that be school, relationships, or the workplace (Self-Esteem). Since self-confidence comes from within, people that have it will feel less pressure when worrying about what those around them think of them. When one has positive self-confidence, they will have an easier time when dealing with the hardships that life throws at them because they are grounded in who they are as a person. It is a healthy thing to have self-confidence because it helps decrease the amount of stress and anxiety a person has upon them. Many people worry too much about the opinions of other people, but that is not the case in self-confident

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