Essay About Monsters

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What is a monster? A monster is almost always defined different to a significant person. The most common definition of a monster is something that is a large frightening, ugly imaginary creature. But again that all depends on the person because we all are scared of something. It does not have to be big or ugly to scare someone. Monsters can be also very exciting to others who enjoy the thrill of them. Especially in horror films which has a very popular demographic of kids who watch them. But, my identified problem with it is the fact that some kids actually think they are real in horror films and in legends. Horror films can be one of the leading cause of people believing that these monsters are actually real.
Most monsters come from legends …show more content…

It can be a bipedal, but it often travels on all fours or switched back and forth between the two modes of locomotion” (The Cryptid Zoo). The Dover Demon was seen in the spring of 1977 by a couple of teenagers three different times over the time of two days. After those two days the monster was not seen since. Most people belief that since the kids who seen it were so young that what they actually might have seen was a moose foal. The Dover Demon had many films attached to the hoax of it. Overall there is not actual factual proof but, not all kids actually know that. Kids are not going to actively search to see if the monster is real or not. They just want to be done with it and avoid it and the subject of it for as long as they possibly can. Another monster that traumatizes kid that they believe is real is the Fouke monster. The Fouke monster can be seen in a 1972 classic horror docudrama The Legend of Boggy Creek. “In the mid-1950s, residents of Fouke, Arkansas, reported that a large, roaring ape-like creature was stalking their farms and killing livestock” (7 SMSPTE). The movie brought a lot of fame to the monster but once Hollywood moved on the sightings of the monster stopped. And all talk about this fake made up monster that panicked

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