Essay About Courage In The Crucible

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Outstanding Courage Adversity is a constant in The Crucible. It is everywhere and destroys almost all courage. Everyone but a few is trying to save themselves or gain from others misfortune. Having courage to do what is right and save others is like being a deer no longer camouflaged amidst a pack of wolves. Those who display it stand out and are attacked. Giles Corey, John Proctor, and Elizabeth Proctor are some of the few courageous enough to do what is right in the face of danger. Giles Corey goes against the court and most of the town to save his wife and others. Almost everyone believes the girls lie and yet he still calls out Putman. “This man is killing his neighbors for their land” (Miller96). Giles is willing to risk his life to …show more content…

He continually tries to save his wife. As Elizabeth is arrested, he tries to save her by force. He rips the warrant for her arrest to pieces and it takes two men to hold him back while she is taken away. During her imprisonment, John does everything in his power to prove she is innocent. He even tries to ruin his own name and life to save hers. In court, he says,” I have known her, sir. I have known her” (Miller110) referring to Abigail. Not only does this destroy his reputation, it could have been punishable by imprisonment or death. He was willing to sacrifice everything for Elizabeth’s safety. Unfortunately, Mary warren accused him of being a wizard. Now his options to help Elizabeth and himself is limited. However, when Elizabeth becomes pregnant, she is safe until the baby is born. John must decide whether to save his own life and condemn others or die and save those from being killed in the future. If he confesses to dealing with the devil, he will live. If he denies it, he will be hanged. John does confess, but will not let it be public. He knows a public confession will ruin his family, friends, and his name. He will have nothing left his he does live. However, the court will not accept it if it is not public. With his response, he signs his death

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