Ernst Lubitsch's 1940: The Shop Around The Corner

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Hollywood has been remaking more classic films than ever before, and the trend is nothing new. Movie studios have been redoing movies since almost the beginning of the industry. In fact, some of our favorite films in recent years have been remakes of films produced years before. Here are five of the best remakes in recent years. 1. REMAKE: YOU’VE GOT MAIL (1998) ORIGINAL: THE SHOP AROUND THE CORNER (1940) Most people are completely unaware that the very popular and successful 1998 romantic comedy You’ve Got Mail (Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan) was actually a remake of Ernst Lubitsch’s 1940 The Shop Around The Corner (James Stewart and Margaret Sullavan). The similarities between these films are strikingly familiar, only the settings are separated by an ocean and almost 100 years. Both films are about an unlikely couple. In The Shop Around The Corner, Margaret Sullavan and James Stewart play the couple while Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan play an updated version in You’ve Got Mail. In each film the couples can’t stand each other, but are unaware they are falling in love through anonymous correspondence. While The Shop Around The Corner uses letters (pen pals) to facilitate the pair’s correspondence, in You’ve Got Mail the updated plot used America Online's email for Ryan and Hanks’ characters. In You’ve Got Mail, Meg Ryan’s Kathleen Kelly’s small bookshop …show more content…

In both films, outlaws approach a rural village, but their chief spares the village in lieu of stealing their harvest. The plundering continues at every harvest for a number of years. Distraught about their inability to defend themselves, three villagers ask the elder of the town what to do? He declares they should hire gunslingers (samurai) to defend the village. Since they have no money to offer, the elder tells them to find desperate

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