Erikson´s Theory Of The Stages Of Erikson's Theory

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Erikson believed that personality development happens over the entire course of a persons life. He believed that personality develops in a series of stages. At each stage, challenges are faced and the outcome depends on how people handles these challenges. Erikson’s theory describes the impact of social experiences across the whole lifespan. Each stage in Eriksons theory is concerned with becoming competent in area of life. If the stage is handled well, the person will feel a sense of ego quality but if the stage is poorly managed , the person will emerge emerge with a sense of inadequacy. In each stage Ericson believed that people experience a conflict that serves as a turning point in development. In eriksons view, these conflicts are centred on either developing s psychological quality of failing to develop that quality . during these times, the potential for personal growth is high but so is the potential for failure. STAGE 1: INFANCY- Trust vs Mistrust At this stage it occurs in the first year after birth, the child will begin to question whether the world is a safe place for them or unpredictable. Babies …show more content…

They learn to control their impulses and act in a socially responsible way. They learn how to plan and achieve goals while interacting with others. Sense of ambition and responsibility occurs hence developing a sense of purpose. Parents must be careful to hit a balance between satisfying the childs questions and needs but also making sure they know that this behaviour is not okay. Parental behaviour that makes the child feel as if their questions are embarrassing or they are annoying may cause too much guilt.there must be a balance It is at this stage that if given opportunity they develop self-confidence and feel secure in their ability to lead others and make decisions if not they end up developing sense of shame and guilt. they feel like they are nuisance to

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