Erikson's Stages Of Identity Development Essay

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Many identity theorists have put an emphasis on adolescence because it is vital stage in an individual’s life. This stage in life consists of coming out of childhood and on the pathway to adulthood. This is when individuals are more independent and think in terms of their future. They are also actively looking for a society to fit in. Furthermore, during this stage, the identity they had in childhood are examined and transformed into a new identity (Kroger, Martinussen, & Marcia, 2010). Thus, the following will illustrate three different identity researchers and their theory on adolescence identity formation. Thus back to Erikson’s 8 stages of identity development as described earlier, it continues through adolescence as well. Individuals during the ages 12 to 18 years old are in the stage which Erikson called identity vs. role confusion. In this stage, Erikson …show more content…

They struggle to find their identity and struggle with social interactions. Erikson stated adolescents may encounter identity crisis at this stage (Capp, 2004). They go through identity exploration and various characteristics occur during the transition such as; mood swings, ego defenses, impulsivity, and acting out (Dunkel & Sefcek, 2009). These are necessary features that the adolescent may encounter in order to form their identity. However, if the adolescent fails to form a sense of identity they encounter role confusion. They experience role confusion because they think about the roles they will have to play in adulthood (Capp, 2004). They doubt themselves and their place in society. So then the adolescent may start exploring different environments such as; work or education (Dunkel & Sefcek, 2009). Erikson stated during this stage the adolescent main focus is in identity exploration and figuring out their sense of

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