Equality 7-2521 In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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Anthem Anthem is based on a man name Equality 7-2521 who lives in a dark age in the future. From the start Equality 7-2521 thought he was cursed. He was smarter than most of the children his age and he got into a lot of trouble. Now he was taller and that a burden for him because most people are not his height and his teachers use to say that there was evil in his bones. He talked on how he was born with this curse and that it made him think about things nobody else wouldn’t. Since Equality 7-2521 though different on things, people treated him harder because they couldn’t understand him. He tried to stop by doing things other people could do but it didn’t work and usually got himself in trouble. Equality 7-2521 had to learned that changed …show more content…

One night they discovered an underground shaft. Equality 7-2521 said that they should go down but International 4-8818 disagreed with them. After arguing Equality 7-2521 slowly and carefully went down the shaft. It was dark in there but what they saw surprise them. The room was made by man and there were things that they had never seen before. The structure of the building was made of something that they never seen and in it they found different kinds of metal and other items. They could only go so far because of lack of light so they returned to the surface. Once returning to the surface International 4-8818 said that they should show this hole to the council and get a reward but Equality 7-2521 was against it. He wanted to keep it to himself to do experiments and learn more about the place. After pleading with each other International 4-8818 agree to it. Over time Equality 7-2521 gather things they found and conducted experiments in the shaft. Over the next few days while street sweeping he saw this woman name Liberty 5-3000. Equality 7-2521 continued watching her until one day she turned around and stared at him but she then smiled and after meeting they continue to meet and they got to know each other …show more content…

He was able to say that he alone did this or whatever he put his mind too. He did not have to associate himself with others but could say he did it alone. He also realized that he did not have to worry about his other brothers because he that it is more to a brother than just following their rules but being able to discuss things went them and being able to make your own decisions. His also changed his name from Equality 7-2521 to Prometheus and Golden Ones’ to Gaea. Equality learned what it means to have something that yours. He proved that it does not take everyone to do something. a. He had to accept his way of thinking and turn it into something that he thought could make things better. That took determination to stay strong and the diligence to keep going. That why you have to keep your mind open and do not give up when it seem people are against

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