Epistemic Violence Summary

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In tracking epistemic violence Kristie Dotson attempts to point out multiple ways in which minority groups of women are oppressed, and silenced. First Dotson precisely defines what epistemic violence and silencing are. Dotson then tells us to get a more precise, and grounded imagination of what silencing, and epistemic violence are as a form of oppression by providing an example of what epistemic violence is. Furthermore Dotson then identifies two different practices of silencing testimonial quieting, and testimonial smothering. Firstly, Dotson provides us with her account of what epistemic violence is; Dotson says it’s a “refusal, intentional, and or unintentional, of an audience to communicatively reciprocate a linguistic exchange owing to pernicious ignorance”. Then Dotson talks about the two testimonial ways in which oppression takes place. First is testimonial quieting Dotson calls testimonial quieting which she says is illustrated in Patricia Hill Collins’s work, particularly her Black Feminist …show more content…

Dotson states testimonial smothering constitutes epistemic violence because “when the testimonial content is unsafe and risky, failing to demonstrate testimonial competence to a speaker in a linguistic exchange owing to pernicious ignorance is equivalent to a failure to communicatively reciprocate in a linguistic exchange owning to pernicious ignorance”. Essentially the activity required for locating epistemic violence is not about the victim, but more about the socio economic, and racial circumstances of the silencing according to Dotson, which doesn’t really make sense to tie those two things together, because initially she claimed it was all about gender, and race, which has nothing to do with socio economic

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