Eosinophilic Esophagitis Essay

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Due to a lack of awareness of this GI condition, signs or symptoms of eosinophilic esophagitis are often overlooked by physicians or family members. GI symptoms may be mistaken to be GE reflux disease, or thought to be related to behavioral issues. Symptoms may be explained away by thinking “my son just eats too fast” or “my daughter just doesn’t chew carefully.” In addition, persons with eosinophilic esophagitis may minimize their symptoms feeling that these are things that they can live with. On the side of pediatricians, internists, or other physicians, they may assume either that patients are over-exaggerating their symptoms or that reflux symptoms are persisting because patients are not taking their medications regularly. If this condition is suspected, the only method to confirm the diagnosis of eosinophilic esophagitis is with an Upper Endoscopy (EGD) and Esophageal Biopsies to look for increased numbers of eosinophils. Keep in mind however, that acid reflux disease is a much more common condition than EoE. …show more content…

There are a number of studies that have demonstrated the central role of food allergens in triggering EE. When these allergenic foods are removed from a person’s diet, EE symptoms can resolve and the eosinophilic inflammation in the esophagus can be healed. The role of the allergist is to identify underlying food allergies that are triggering EE by a variety of Allergy tests including blood testing looking for IgE-mediated allergies, skin prick testing, and atopy patch testing to foods. There are also allergy diets restricting the most common food allergens (Six Food Empiric Elimination Diet) which has also been used to treat EE. Another dietary option which has also been very successful is the Elemental Diet with amino-acid based

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