Environmental Issues and Christians

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Environmental Issues and Christians

Christians have grown to be more aware of environmental issues. Good

stewardship means that they have a duty to save and protect the

environment. The different Christian Churches teach that the health of

the environment is extremely important and we need to all help protect

the earth and life on it. The Methodist Church teaches that "The

health of the environmental system is critical to all life and

immensely fragile in the face of the demands of a consumerist and

technologically powerful culture." This means that the natural world

is in danger of being damaged from industrial factories and

forthcoming technology. Methodist's also believe that "Men and women

are to be stewards and curators, not exploiters, of its resources."

The Church of England faith says that we have "to take all possible

steps, both nationally and internationally, to establish a just and

economical use of the Earth's energy resources, and to minimise the

impact of consequential environmental pollution." This shows that

England and the rest of the world need to use the Earth's natural

energy sources economically, and carefully in order to reduce the risk

of severe pollution.

Pope John Paul has spoken about pollution for the Catholic Church. He

said, "Our actions have consequences for the rights of others and for

the resources of the Earth" and "We must consider the welfare of

future generations in our planning for and utilisation of the Earth's

resources." By this he means that if we destroyed the Earth in any

kind of way then it will effect the future generations of our world.

We need to use the natural resources in a positive way so that we do

not damage the world.

The Earth is continuously being damaged. Pollution is destroying the

planet in numerous ways. The build up of carbon dioxide in the

atmosphere is known as the greenhouse effect. This traps heat from the

sun in the earth's atmosphere resulting in global warming. This could

mean intense weather conditions and may even melt both poles causing

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