Summary Of Paul H. Rubin's Journal Of Environmentalism As Religion

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In the journal of Environmentalism as Religion, Paul H. Rubin discuss about how environmental is similar to religion. Rubin want everyone to know that the environment and religion are somehow similar in a way, which they both have belief system, creation stories and original sin. Rubin talk about how scientists cannot prove or disprove the existence of god. However; then he talk about, religion replaces part of the evolved of nature. The environment and religion are very similar; they both have the creation and the original sin of what happened from a long times ago. The religion would have the ideal of god created everything from from the beginning. A long time ago, before universal religion there were tribal religions; which each tribe have their own gods. Often the tribe would have religion war. …show more content…

Rubin explain through his journal on how the religion and environmental have impact people around the world. Rubin describe how there are less religion war and human conflict because of the universal religion; people only believe that god is the creator of the universe and created everything on earth. On the other hand, the scientist are not interested in religion at all because they don’t meet the bais of sciences. Science can’t answer some of the question like, who created the world?, and does god existence or not? However, both the environmental and religion have a belief system creation stories and original sin. In religion, there was a beginning when god created the world and made human. The first human were Adam and Eve. However, the scientist think that the human came from the generation of monkey. The scientist do test and comparison to come up with this ideal. They compare the monkey head to a human skeleton and monkey skeleton to support their idea. They are co-exit based on faith because if they were to co-exist on reason there would be a lots of problem. For example the best solution for global warming was to get rid of nuclear

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