Hungary Essay

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Purpose: This paper will address the feasibility of a US company entering the market of Hungary. I will explore four major cultural components of the country that affect doing business in Hungary.

Cultural Impact: According to the Hofstede Centre there are five dimensions of culture, Power Distance, Individualism, Masculine/Feminine, Uncertainty Avoidance, and long term orientation. According to the Hofstede Centre "Power distance is defined as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organisations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally." Hungary scored low on this dimension meaning that managers are not as revered as in a high power distance society, communication is direct as …show more content…

Hungary scored high in this dimension meaning it is considered an Individualistic society, a society of which there is more emphasis based on individual achievements rather than collective goals. According to the Hofstede Centre Masculinity/ Feminity is " what motivates people, wanting to be the best (masculine) or liking what you do (feminine)." Hungary scores high in this dimension meaning that is a live to work type society. A society that places much on competition and beating others . According to the Hofstede Centre Uncertainty Avoidance is defined as "The extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these." On this dimension Hungary scored high meaning that they are conservative and like to avoid uncertain situations and outcomes. According to the Hofstede Centre Long Term Orientation is defined as " the extent to which a society shows a pragmatic future-oriented perspective rather than a conventional historical short-term point of view." On this dimension Hungary scored a 50 , meaning that is a long term oriented society, more focused on future goals, than present. When it comes to Specific cultural norms and folkways. Hungary has …show more content…

I would rate Hungary a C- at the current time. Culturally Hungary is very similar to the United States and the United Kingdom, formal, monochronic, and are ranked similarly to the United States on many of the MPI indicators. Both Individualistic society's as well. Economically speaking Hungary has a definite future but is not at the present time stable enough for a foreign direct investment . There has been political instability and economic instability in the country in the recent years. Slow growth as well. The market receptivity is just not at the current time at the level where it would be easy to recommend doing business in the country. Labor freedom is still a tough issue, as well as issues over property rights . I certainly believe that there are many more desirable emerging markets , Hungary wouldn't be the worst place in the world to go, but it also wouldn't be a place where you would be guaranteed success. If the market becomes more receptive than maybe it could be recommendable to go , but at the current time I don't think it would be worth

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