Eniolahun Olakunle: A Short Story

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Her name is Eniolahun Olakunle, and unlike her brother and sister she does not have the ease of an English middle name like Peter, or Phoebe, so everyone just calls her Enny. Some would say that this name is easy enough in itself. However, it was a name that highlighted her difference much longer than her thick Nigerian accent did. It was a name that she would have gladly given up. So then when given that exact chance on March, 12 2015, why didn’t she? It was a normal Thursday morning so no specific details stuck in her mind, but she does remember that it was a chilly day, so she was wearing a red sweater over jeans and a tie dye shirt. She also remembers that her mom had been teaching her some traditional Yoruba songs, which she had been religiously …show more content…

"Freak," she can recall them saying. "Kunta Kinte," they would whisper! Even though Enny was a name that was easy enough in itself, it seemed like her new classmates found their alternatives better. Everywhere she turned, it seemed like there was an ongoing joke that she was not allowed to be a part of. The first couple of weeks, she would cower and wait for the ringing laughter as soon as the teacher mispronounces her name for roll call. After six years, she finally earned it. She was now a typical American teenager. She was even what you would consider a “popular kid”. She had her friends, and her thick accent was not so thick anymore, even if it was not gone. However, there was still one thing that separated her from the rest of her group, and every time she introduced herself to a new person she knew that. “It’s Enny, as in anything,” she would

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