Engineering And Non-Civil Engineering: The Definition Of Engineering

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The perception of engineering has existed since ancient times when humans devised fundamental and useful inventions such as the pulley, wheel and lever. These simple devices are all categorized under “inventions exploiting basic mathematical principles that are useful” which is the modern definition of engineering. The word engineering, is derived from the word engineer which dates back to 1325 when an engineer was defined as “a constructor of military engines”. Later, as the construction of civilian architecture such as buildings and bridges emerged as a professional discipline, the term civil engineering derived as a way to differentiate between those specializing in the designation of non-military projects and those involved in in the discipline …show more content…

In engineering, science is applied. Both areas of venture depend on exact perception of materials and phenoma. Both use mathematics and classification criteria to investigate and convey perceptions. Engineering is entirely different from science. Scientists attempt to comprehend nature whereas engineers attempt to make things that do not exist in nature. Engineers push advancement and development. To exemplify an invention an engineer must put his/her ideas in concrete terms and construct something that a society, community or even a nation can utilize. That something can be a mind boggling design, gadget, a contraption, a material, a strategy, a computing program, an innovation experiment, a new solution to a problem or an improvement of what already exists. Since a design must be practical and useful, it must have its geometry, measurements and characteristics data illustrated. In the past engineers working on new designs found that they didn’t have all the mandatory material to make design decisions. Frequently they were constrained by inadequate logical learning. Thus, they studied physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology and mechanics. However, they needed to add the sciences to their profession and thus engineering science was created. Despite the fact that engineering solutions make utilization of scientific principles, engineers must also take into account security, effectiveness, economy , unwavering …show more content…

The concoction of Thomas Newcomen and James Watt, the Scottish engineer gave hike to mechanical engineering as well as the evolution of functional machines and machine tools during the Industrial Revolution which also give rise to mechanical engineering in both Britain and abroad. The “father” of civil engineering John Smeaton was the first self-proclaimed civil engineer who designed lighthouses, bridges, canals and harbors. Experiments by Alessandro Volta, George Ohm, Michael Faraday and the electric engine are considered the origin of electrical engineering. During the Industrial Revolution Chemical Engineering was developed. Industrial scale manufacturing required new materials and new processes and by 1880 the need for large scale manufacturing of chemicals was such that a modern industry was developed and dedicated to the advancement and wide scale manufacturing of chemicals in new industrial plants. Aeronautical engineering deals with designing aircraft design process whereas aerospace engineers is a modernized term that broadens the reach of the discipline by including spacecraft design. With the hike of computer technology in 1990, the first search engine was built by computer engineer Alan

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