History of Engineering

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Engineering has dated back to a time long ago.
The concept of engineering has been present since ancient times.
People have been making fundamental inventions
The pulley, lever, and and wheel, although simple ideas, have a modern definition of engineering.
Engineers in the Ancient Era were mainly used for building and supervising the pyramid constructions.
Different civilizations used engineering in different ways.
Ancient Greece made machines in both public and military fields.
Archimedes was known for the creation of the Antikythera mechanism, which was the first known computer model.
Archimedes was a Greek who lived from 287 BC - 212 BC.
Archimedes also takes credit for the invention of gears.
Chinese and Roman armies made complex machines such as the catapult.
Imhotep was known for his develpoments on bridges.
Imhotep was an Egyptian from the 27th century.
Imhotep was the first known civil engineer.
The word engine itself has been around for a long period of time.
The word engine is Latin for ingenium which means innate quality, especially mental power.
Engineer dates back to 1325 when an engine’er, someone who operates an engine, was referred to by a conductor as an engineer. (Ford)
Engineers go through much education before they can regularly get a job.
Most engineering jobs require 4 years at a university.
A degree in the appropriate field is highly recommended.
Courses offering hands on training are important.
Engineers usually must be registered and/or licensed.
Engineers should be creative, analytical and detail oriented.
Many colleges/universities have great programs for engineering.
Some of the best, well known schools for engineering include: Stanford, Georgia Tech, Cornell, Michigan, Purdue, ...

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...study of medicine and engineering.
Both the study of medicine and engineering provide solutions to real world problems.
Medicine, which study’s the body, uses engineering methods.
The study of medicine resulted in biomedical engineering.
Some engineers view the human body as a biological machine.
This has caused biomedical engineers to get confused with biologists.
Both use the concepts of engineering and medicine.
Biomedical engineers often use the methods of biologists.
Technology is a big part of engineering.
Computers can be used to create models to help testing.
The most used computer technology is computer-aided design.
In recent years computer software has become known as Product Lifecycle Management.
Computers can check for errors that humans may miss.
Distribution and organization of all info is normally on the computer.

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