Energy Drinks Persuasive Speech

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Hey, wake up ladies and gentlemen. Everyone knows that students in high school are especially tired. video games.. don't forget the especially important boyfriend/girlfriend. Fear not, the solutions is simple, not to mention tasty. These divine drinks not only make you feel like an adult, but they boost your mental and physical performance. However to much might be a silent killer. Here's why.. There is not a single high school with a student who hasn't been tired while writing the biggest essay. Yes, even the star students. Fun fact: EVERYONE GETS TIRED AT SOME POINT. Monsters (with more energy drinks) help with that. The sugar and caffeine makes you feel like a way happier person, and being a high school student, that could …show more content…

However, we aren’t going to be talking about that energy drink. Our topic will be surrounding the uprising. Hansen’s Natural...also known as Monster Energy drinks. In 2002, Hubert Hansen created the well known energy drink, since then sales blew up, at least double the amount. However that wasn’t the first thing he's created. Him and his three sons created a business in the early 1930s. At this time they sold a variety of juices they created in the southern part of california. The four men continued this work until the late 1970s, here one of the Hensan sons brought the business natural sodas. The cans were very bright with colorful fruits and bubbling fonts. In 1992, CEO Rodney Sacks bought the company for the amount of fourteen point five billion dollars. “The company had so much profit, buying it was never a regret.” Rodney Sacks, 1995. All though these refreshing bubbly drinks made the markets pay well, the company urged for something new. A couples went by without so much as a hint of change and then came along the year 2002. Here was when Monster Energy drinks were made. Profits in 2005 of fifty million went through the roof with profits adding up to one point seven billion dollars in 2011. Analyzing shows that this rapid change was mostly do because of their new drink, this is when they changed its name officially to Monster …show more content…

Since the drink hit its high road there has been a listing of a total give deaths due to the caffeine drink. ‘..Although the all the lost lives turned out to be fatal, parents much take in account the caffeine dosage before coming after the company.” Shelly Bubois, November 5, 2012. According to the research done on the bodies, there is no direct evidence that the caffeinated drink killed those five. Caffeine has always had cautions since its been discovered. In the early days people have always noticed how you blood begins to flow fast, causing your heart to increase the speed of its rhythmic pulsing. It never took any kind of tests to figure out what caffeine did. Nevertheless, many people could continue attempting to sue the energy drink creators, they won't get far. When the Hansen brothers created this drink they made sure to put a warning on the can, “CONSUME RESPONSIBLY: Limit three cans per day. No recommended to children, pregnant women or people sensitive to caffeine. Even though the company has had battles, it continues to make great tasting energy drinks. Throughout the years, things really have not changed. Of course there has been the font changes and the company logo, but throughout the years Monster Energy Drinks is one of the company that stays the

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