End Of Me-Personal Narrative

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End of Me The date was January 27, 2090. They did it. They actually did it. Those were the thoughts running through my mind as I was sitting with John on my fluffy brown couch. On our flat screen TV the sentence Local Doctors have found the cure for cancer kept flashing. I couldn’t believe my eyes, the tears forming in the sockets were impairing my vision. I turn to my adoring husband and see that tears were rolling down his eyes as well. “They did it” he said in a whisper never taking his eyes off the screen. About 3 years ago John’s brother was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. While this was taking place they mentioned to him that they were running trials on people who were good candidates believing that they’ve actually found the cure. But it didn’t work and this past year John’s brother passed away, leaving john in the state of depression. Though on that date January 27 he was getting back to his old self the man i fell in love with. This was a bump in the road that was smooth and could hopefully impact everyone’s life for the better. …show more content…

As we arrive at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, we see about 100 or so people waiting outside to get in. We decide to stop and ask what was going on before visiting Nate. “Hello sir, what is this line for”, I ask the young man in the front of the line. “Didn’t you hear, the cure is a certain blood type and they need it to start making more of the solution”, said the young man. “Oh okay, thank you”, I say as me and John continue on to Nate’s

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