Empanadas Informative Speech

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Introduction Today we are going to make something called Empanadas. Empanadas are Spanish native delicacy, that non-native and natives alike enjoy so much that it’s craved for after just a bite. These delicious, delight, can be filled with seafood, meat, cheese, vegetables, or fruit. These pastry wonders were thought to have originated in Spain, where the Empanada Festival is part of the Galician culture. Empanada comes from the word empanar (coat with bread), they are said to be called a Latin version of the “hot pocket.” They are simple to make and portable in every situation. If you are a spouse constantly on the go, then this treat can also be dinner for a family. Anyone can make Empanadas, if you follow these simple steps you will for sure be the envy of every pot luck! We are going to make Empanadas with ground …show more content…

You will need: Vegetable oil Ground beef Salt Sofrito Sazon Fork Goya dough with 10 discos. To start the processing of making Empanadas do the following: I. Preparing Empanadas. 1. Take a pot and place your ground beef in it. • Or seafood • Cheese • Vegetables • Fruit 2. Turn your stove on medium heat. 3. Season with 1/8 TSP salt. 4. Season with 1 packet of Sazon.(Spanish season) 5. Add one table spoon of Sofrito. (Spanish paste) 6. Let it cook until brown. 7. Drain the grease from the meat. 8. Grab a pot, pour vegetable oil in it (set it to low on the stove). • You can use a deep fryer and set it on medium heat. 9. Take your cutting board and place your Goya dough on it. 10. On your dough put the spoon full of meat in the dough. 11. Fold the dough in half. 12. Grab your fork and press the two sides against one another making an in print. 13. Once you have pressed the two side together put your Empanada in the pot let it cook until it is slightly brown. • Or use deep fryer II. Time to eat. • Now it’s time to

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