Emotional Intelligence Assessments

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Perform the Big 5, and Emotional Intelligence self-assessments. Review these two assessments and summarize your results. Pay special attention to themes, threads, and overlapping areas. How can you use this information? Big Five Test Results Extroversion |||||| 28% Orderliness |||||||||||||||||| 76% Emotional Stability |||||||||| 34% Accommodation |||||||||||| 72% Inquisitiveness |||||||||| 40% Base on the Big 5 Test, I have a low level of Extroversion. It describe me as very well as quiet, and a private person. I’m normally shy when it comes to socialize however in my job I have to talk a lot with the clients and I’m not shy at all. Orderliness results were high which suggest that I’m very organize, neat, flexible. I like to see things

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