Emily Dickinson Discussion Questions

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1) Is there an effective and interesting title to the essay? How can it be made more interesting?
There is an effective and interesting title to the essay. The title gives an idea of what the essay is about and the types of emotion that might be felt while reading the essay and the poem. I cannot think of any way on how to make the title more interesting because the title already brings enough sorrow and sympathy to the essay.
2) Does the introduction grab your attention by clearly using an introductory paragraph strategy? What is the introduction strategy? (You will need to read the introduction lecture to properly answer this question.) Do you find it interesting? Why or why not?
The introduction grabs my attention by asking several questions that I could answer
The paragraph was detailed, profound, and well written. I like how you threw in the question about where the person flees to; somehow, I had that in mind also. Each paragraph is complete and detailed with a great deal of emotion for you and the reader. The information discussed in each body paragraph relates directly to the topic sentence; however, I would like to know more about the symbolism Dickinson used in her poem and possibly add quotes from the poem to your essay in order for the reader to understand the message and feel the emotion of the
(You will need to read the conclusion lecture to properly answer this question.)
I loved your conclusion paragraph; however, make sure to indent your paragraph in order to lessen the confusion of where the conclusion paragraph is. I liked how you used the questions from the introduction paragraph in your conclusion paragraph because we either found a new meaning of hope, or our belief of hope strengthened. Furthermore, you added more questions that tied in with your body paragraphs, great

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